Friday 26 February 2016

Last day of skiing and lunch at 2000+m

Anneliese, Caya and Leah

Birds on a wire!

Must have been a very funny joke!

Enjoying the sun ...

Thursday 25 February 2016

Indoor Table Top Braai - well sort of ....

Thanks to Anneliese and Paul bringing along their "Table Barbecue Grill", we were able to have an indoor meat, cheese and veggie cooking evening!  Everyone cooked their own food ... fun was had by all.

What would dinner be without drinks and toasts?

Before you start to use the 'braai' it's heated and sprinkled with salt.

Cooking in action!

Macaroons were a part of nearly every meal ... 

Building a snowperson ...

The girls started out 

As the head kept falling off .... an Engineer was summoned to assist.

Now we were getting somewhere!

Suddenly a Russian appeared ...

Who started a Snowball fight!  Can't trust those guys .....

The finished snowperson, dreadlocks and all!

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Monday 22 February 2016

A Family affair

What would skiing be without fondue??

Paul, Anneliese and the girls

Caya and Leah  -  "the girls"

Skiing in the Misty Gloop

So ... the weather has gone yukky .....  Misty and gloopy!  But we still went up to try our luck??

The boys in the Gondola

Bruce waving to his mates at work  -  hoping  they were watching the camera :-)

Sunday 21 February 2016

Skiing Day 1

Yay, sunshine for our 1st ski day! Not looking so good for the rest
of the week .. :-(

After not skiing for 3 years, the technique came back quickly and we
skiied from 09h00 until 11h00. Bruce decided to do a few more runs
when we came down after pizza and beer :-)

Snow, snow everywhere!

Drinks and .....

Pizza on the slopes