Sunday 26 July 2015

Barolo Walk Map - 65km in 6 days!

6. Cravanzana to Cortemilia

We awoke to overcast skies for our last day's walk from Cravanzana to Cortemilia. An easy walk of 9km.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Bugs, fruit and flowers along the road


One of the many hazelnut orchards we passed once we left the vineyards behind.

 Green hazelnuts

Ripe nuts ready for picking

5. Cissone to Cravanzana


 Spooky sunlight greeted us as we left our B&B at 06h30.   The reason for our early departure was an attempt to avoid the heat.   It definitely paid off 😊

 An old church and road in Cerreto Langhe

Friday 24 July 2015

The Alps in the distance

Sunset & Sundowners

Cemetery in Serravalle village

4. Serravalle

A short 5km walk to get some food and of course coffee.
Lucky there are numerous water fountains along the way, to keep us hydrated 😊

Thursday 23 July 2015

Cissone - Finally

Hills and climbs

3. Monforte d'Alba to Cissone

Buongiorno from Italy where the temperatures are well in excess of 30 degrees!
We've left the vineyards behind and are now walking through the little farming villages of the North Western Italian countryside.  Lots of orchards and hazelnut forests.
The walk yesterday was rather taxing. Although very pretty, at times the going was rather rough....  Lots of downhills into valley's, but after every downhill there's ALWAYS an uphill to a village at the friggin' TOP of the next hill. 
But another delicious meal in the tiny village  we're staying in made our all worthwhile. A village so tiny, they don't even have a supermarket or even what we'd call a Spaza Shop!