Monday 12 October 2015

Mana Pools

Mana Pools is a really beautiful area of Zimbabwe.  I'm sure that after good rains, the bush must be buzzing with birds and animals.  Nyamepi Camp where we stayed, lies on the river which is the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Elephants are constantly walking through and around the campsite.  At first it's quite daunting, we soon got used to them being there. The main rainy season starts in November, so the elephants wade/swim across the river to a small island and back again with ease as the river is lower than after the rainy season.

I think the monkeys have all had 'speed training'.  They dash in, steal whatever they can get their tiny little claws onto and dash off so quickly it was amazing!  Even Laura's Tabasco sauce wasn't safe, until a brilliant throw by Garth caused the thief to drop the box!  Would have been interesting to see what the monkey would have done if it managed to get the bottle open and take a swig!

Ellie checking that the solar panels were still in the sun!

Sunrise at Mana Pools

Sunset at Mana Pools

The one thing that you had to remember was the need for caution when visiting the ablutions at night.  No lights in camp after everyone had gone to sleep, meant that it would be quite easy to stumble into the bum of one of the resident ellie's.  This wouldn't be fun for either the dozing ellie or the half-asleep human!

Birds, hippo's and water monitor lizards made breakfast and afternoon coffee stops interesting.

Grey Heron

White-fronted Bee-eaters

3-banded Plover

Black-winged Stilt

Saddlebilled Stork

Water Monitor Lizard

"Apple slices" and a flower from the Sausage tree we camped under

Ellie about 8m from our house!

On our last night, a few buffalo made an appearance in camp, but didn't venture as close to us as the ellies did!

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