Saturday 16 May 2015

Pink Padstal

So,  having intended to leave at 4 or 5 am,  the witching hour struck and after some tossing and turning the decision was made to rather hop in the car and start driving. By 01:30 joh'burg started fading in the the rear view mirror.

The going was good, until at some ungodly hour, in the middle of nowhere and the thermometer hovering at 6 degrees , Mr Plod decided to jump out into the middle of the road. Hitting the anchors by shear reflex and not necessarily with forethought, almost resulted in the contents of the rather heavily laden load area being unceremoniously being deposited in our necks,  had it not been for the brilliant invention of the cargo net.   With Mr Plod now being wide eyed and us truly awake,  we exchanged pleasantries and submitted to a routine stop for licence and registration.

Somewhat later that morning a pit stop was called for,  which was probably brought on by the numerous cups of coffee that had been consumed during the early hours of the drive.  When Sharon spotted the signs for the "Pink Padstal" the pit stop location was set and a good chuckle ensued when using the urinal of said establishment.

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