Saturday 23 May 2015

Survived the first sleep in the Skeleton Coast

Left Swakopmund on time and started making our way up the coast heading for the Kunuene. Easy going on the salt road to Terrace bay, all be it in wet misty conditions,  so that the white cars looked like they had driven through mounds of baby poop.
Filled up at Terrace bay for the last time,  when we noticed diesel and dust muck all over our back window. Turned out to be a cracked jerrycan on the roof which was slowly disgorging it's contents all over the back of the car, including our roof rack table.  So before we could setup camp for the night,  we made a stop next to the sea and washed of the back with loads of sea water. While we were doing this, some of our party were already practising there recovery skills at getting out of the 'stuck in beach sand condition'.
Once we were again reasonably diesel free, we made it to our overnight camp,  where our newly acquired rooftop tent setup skill came in handy,  as it only took us a quick five minutes to get setup for the night.
In the interim, our host Folker and his crew had already started a raging fire for us to huddle around with some good red wine, which helped to ward off a chilly evening wind which had started. This was followed by a lovely chicken and lamb sosatie braai,  and then off to bed for a well deserved rest.
So ended the first day on the Skeleton Coast.

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